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You've taken a Herculean journey and made a movie. Or you're on your 2nd or 3rd movie. Congratulations! So what do you do to ensure the final stage of this major endeavor, achieving successful distribution for your film? How do you play "the game"? Is there even a game??
The answer is YES, there is a game. And the major challenge today, is that this game evolves, often about twice a decade. Just since the pandemic, it has evolved for indie film dramatically.
For example, content viewing by the public changed during the pandemic, and AVOD -- Ad-Supported VOD -- has become "king" for many indie films. The TVOD space -- Transactional VOD -- has shrunk dramatically. Although, it can still be good for certain types of movies.
Additional, the SVOD space -- Subscription VOD -- has also contracted for indie film. For a really good SVOD deal, you often need name actors in your movie. (Or it needs to fill a niche that one of the SVOD players is looking for.)
I have been the pre-eminent educator and consultant to independent film producers & directors for 15 years, from 2007 - 2022. No one else shared the breadth, knowledge and inside strategies that I did in this time.
But alas, the time came for me to move on to the next chapter, so my education and consulting under "The Secrets to Film Distribution" banner came to an end. In 2022, I launched the distribution company, Lion Heart Distribution.
The difference between me and many other distributors out there, is the ethos that I bring to this company. One that truly aims to serve you, the producer/director, and not our own pockets. You can learn more about my company here: Lion Heart Distribution
For those that may still want to learn what I taught -- of which approximately 70% is still valid today -- see below. This "Secrets to Distribution" Program is still available. You can also persuse the site here, there are recent podcast interviews I have done (free to view) at the top of this page: Free Stuff
To Your Success!
Jerome Courshon
"I can't say enough about Jerome's Program! It's fun, sincere, candid and informed. You can't put a price on the information he teaches -- but avoiding the pitfalls of distribution could save you north of $50,000!"
-- Kerry David, Producer of 11 Movies including "Agent Cody Banks," "My Date With Drew," "Like Dandelion Dust"
"GREAT Program! What makes Jerome's material so powerful is his personal experiences in the trenches. He fills a gap in most filmmakers' education and provides a roadmap for the often murky and ever-changing world of distribution. His Program is important, valuable, and one that filmmakers of all levels can benefit from in getting their movies out there."
-- Doug Atchison, Director/Writer, "Akeelah and the Bee"
"Since the class I attended, I've sold 2 films to Lionsgate and I have a 3rd that I'm shooting for them. Everything Jerome says -- as much as I fought it initially -- is right on!"
-- Bobby Leigh, Producer/Director, "Unraveled," "Experiment In Torture"
"Incredible Program. Never before has a film producer put together a step-by-step approach to navigating the world of distribution. Taking this course is a MUST for any producer or director who's serious about having success. To not understand the marketplace and how to work it, is financial suicide for your movie. Don't do that. Don't be one of those filmmakers who think they know everything. Get this phenomenal 'Secrets To Distribution' Program, understand what you need to do to have success, then do it!"
-- Darin Scott, Producer of 12 Movies including "Menace II Society," "Tales from the Hood," "To Sleep With Anger," "Love and a .45"
"Without Jerome's information and resources, I'd never have gotten distribution through Warner Bros. for my 'no name' feature. Not in a million years!"
-- Vince Rocca, Producer, "Kisses & Caroms," "The Ghostmaker"
Material covered in this comprehensive Program includes:
• | Theatrical Distribution |
| What to do and not do with theatrical distributors; Most filmmakers fail here, even when they have an excellent movie. |
• | Service Deal Distribution |
| What this is, how it works, and why some prominent Producers & Directors utilize it. |
• | DIY Theatrical Distribution |
| How to get your movie into theaters yourself and launch a theatrical run. |
• | VOD (Video on Demand) |
| VOD is the major mode of content delivery for independent film today, but how can you actually generate significant revenues here? Where to go, what to do, and the best digital platforms to currently be on. (Many filmmakers do not understand the shifts that have occurred during & since the pandemic, and are still wondering why they're seeing little money on most platforms their films are sitting on.) |
• | Home Video Distribution |
| DVD & Blu-ray is no longer a money-maker for most indie films. But with the right movie, there can be exceptions. Depends on your title and the demographic of your audience. |
• | Foreign Distribution |
| How to get your film sold internationally. How to approach and gain interest from a foreign sales company to handle your movie. |
• | Film Festivals |
| Are they worth your time & energy? How to generate Buzz, Press & Awards. How to effectively use festivals to attain distribution as well as desire by the public to see your movie. |
• | Key Art / Taglines / EPKs |
| Is your poster artwork REALLY up to snuff? Or are you sending out inferior materials with your film, causing distributors to say 'No' before even watching it? (This happens all the time.) |
• | Deals & Contracts |
| How to contractually protect yourself when making deals with distributors. This is -- unfortunately -- where too many filmmakers drop the ball. If you don't cover yourself properly, there is a 90% you will get ripped off. |
"Wow! It's about time someone created a road map for this crazy complicated world of movie distribution. As film producers we need to know how to distribute our own films. It's not just about producing them anymore. What's the point if no one goes to see it? Finally, with Jerome's 3-Day 'Distribution School' DVD Series, we not only have the knowledge to distribute our films, but we get to make money doing it! It doesn't get any better than this!"
-- Suzanne Lyons, Producer of 13 Movies including "Undertaking Betty," "The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things"
Order Here:
THE SECRETS TO DISTRIBUTION: Get Your Movie Distributed Now! |
Tuition: $600.00 $198 -- 67% OFF
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- Program ships within 2 business days of ordering.
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Jerome Courshon
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